
Why Do Women Appear To Be Knock Kneed

why do women appear to be knock kneed

Do Women Lack Confidence in their Ability to be an Entrepreneur?

According to a recent study by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, 47.7% of women believe they are capable of starting a business compared to 62.1% of men. This lack of confidence persisted throughout all economies and cultures that were included in the study.

So what gives? Let's delve into the issue a little more…

Culture is one issue. For example, Korea, a country with pretty good rate of entrepreneurship, has the lowest rate for women-owned businesses in all of Asia. In Korea, there are definite role expectations for women. There are also fewer day-care options for Korean children. On the other hand, in China, grandparents are typically the caregivers, allowing mothers to look for or create their own jobs.

Bowlegged Woman, Knock Kneed Man (Live Version)
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We found that women are just as likely as men to see entrepreneurship as attractive, but they are less likely to see opportunities for starting businesses. —Karen E. Klein for Businesweek

A fear of failure is another stumbling block.

Women are more likely dissuaded from entrepreneurship due to fear of failure and they tend to have smaller and less diverse support networks. They are more likely to rely on family members for support and they are less likely to know an entrepreneur. Men have larger business networks, know more entrepreneurs, and they are more likely to rely on business colleagues for help and support than on family members. —Businessweek

Here are some other interesting statistics from the study:

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  • Women entrepreneurs in developed economies are less likely give up their businesses, but when they do, lack of financing, unprofitable businesses, or personal reasons are the usual causes.
  • Women entrepreneurs in wealthier economies tend to be older, as well educated, and just as likely to create innovative products as their male peers; yet they have half the growth expectations of men.
  • Similar to men, women are just as likely to see entrepreneurship as attractive, but they are less likely to believe there are a lot of opportunities for starting businesses in their area.

There are other reasons that women freelancers might have a harder time finding and retaining work than their male counterparts. Many women are, typically, the caregivers of the family. Separating work and home life can be hard—especially if you work in your home. No one wants to hire someone if, whenever they call, kids are screaming in the background. It is unprofessional.

Many women (like me) don't feel confident negotiating. It's not that I don't realize my worth, it's that, for some reason, I feel uncomfortable asking for it or talking about it. The best thing for people like me to do is come up with a standard rate and stick to it—no matter what.

There are ways for women freelancers to work the female angle. There are Federal grants and loans available only to women writers and entrepreneurs, and multiple websites that tout women freelance writers only. I would also suggest networking with other businesswomen in your area, either through a Chamber of Commerce or other professional networking group, to meet other women who you may be able to work with or learn from.

The only way these statistics are going to change is if women work to change them. Are you a woman freelancer? What sorts of obstacles have you had to overcome to make your business a success?

Photo credit: Some rights reserved by xilius.

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