
What Countries Grow Tea?

what countries grow tea?

Organic India to expand with new plants, products « « Clearer TeaClearer Tea

Organic India, country's single largest company growing organic food, commodities and formulations, is on an expansion spree with plans for investment in new facilities as well as widening of its product portfolio.

"We plan to pump in Rs 30-40 crore over the next two years to set up a new facility in Bundelkhand. The idea is to put the region on the world map because of its immense potential, especially for organic commodities. We have already moved a proposal to the state government for setting up a new plant as well as a research centre there and are awaiting response," Krishan Guptaa, managing director and global CEO of Organic India told Financial Chronicle.

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This investment would be over and above Rs 100 crore that the company has invested so far. The company, which started with organic tulsi as its core product, has managed to grow 3,000 tonne of it in 2011 in Azamgarh.

The Lucknow-based Organic India had recently set up a new plant in Karnataka for dehydrating fruits and vegetables and its first few products from this plant are already selling, including organic tomatoes and ladyfinger. Besides, it has also introduced desi ghee, which it claims is from stress-free cows, to its product portfolio and has started exporting it to Czech Republic.

According to Guptaa, organic food and commodities from India are in great demand overseas while the domestic market is yet to fully recognise the medicinal benefits of the same.

At present, exports constitute 65 per cent to the company's total sales and US is its largest market with 35 per cent share in exports followed by Germany, France, Italy, Australia and New Zealand. The company has so far ventured into 30 countries with 18 flavours of tulsi tea, formulations and spices.

"We had a turnover of Rs 85 crore in 2011 and the target is to take it up to Rs 150 crore in 2012 on the back of growing demand from overseas and increasing awareness in the domestic markey," Guptaa added.

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