
What Are Three Works For Which Jane Austen Is Credited?

what are three works for which jane austen is credited?

Jane Odiwe Jane Austen Sequels: Beautiful Lyme in Winter!

Odiwe picks things up where Austen left off in Pride and Prejudice, in an impeccably crafted tale of Elizabeth and Darcy after the wedding. John Charles - Booklist

When Marianne Dashwood weds Colonel Brandon both are aware of the other's past attachments; Marianne's grand passion for the charming but ruthless John Willoughby and Brandon's tragic amour for his lost love Eliza. Three years on Marianne is living contentedly with her husband and child at Delaford Park, although Marianne's passionate, impulsive and sometimes jealous behaviour is an impediment to her true happiness. News that John Willoughby and his wife have returned to the West Country brings back painful memories for Marianne and with the demise of Mrs. Smith of Allenham Court comes the possibility of Mr. Willoughby and his wife returning to live near Barton and the surrounding area of Devon and Dorset, a circumstance which triggers a set of increasingly challenging, yet often amusing perplexities for all concerned.
At eighteen going on nineteen, I thought it was time to give Margaret a heroine's role. Her story is intertwined with that of Marianne's who encourages Margaret to follow her heart. I have so enjoyed writing this book, weaving together the stories of two heroines against the backdrops of Delaford in autumn, London and Lyme in the winter, re-visiting the scenes and characters from Sense and Sensibility that I love so much. 

Austenesque Reviews
"Willoughby's Return" was appropriately romantic, emotional, and passionate. I commend Jane Odiwe for capturing the essence and excellence of "Sense and Sensibility" and continuing the story in a knowledgeable and sympathetic manner. It is obvious that Ms. Odiwe loves and cares greatly for her characters (even the difficult ones), and I feel that Jane Austen loved her characters the same way. I greatly enjoyed this sequel for "Sense and Sensibility" and look forward to more works from Jane Odiwe.

This is Odiwe's second Austen sequel, and like Lydia Bennet's Story she has chosen a character in Marianne Brandon that is ruled by impulse and emotion making for surprise and tension – all good elements to an engaging story that she delivers with confidence and aplomb. Developing younger sister Margaret Dashwood brought youth, vivacity and a bit of rebellion against social dictums to the story. Her romance with Henry Lawrence was an excellent choice as she shared the narrative equally with Marianne and balanced the story. Odiwe's research and passion for the Regency era shine, especially in her descriptions of the country fair and fashions. It is rewarding to see her develop her own style evocative of Austen but totally modern in its sensibility.

A Bibliophile's Bookshelf
Jane Odiwe writes with such eloquence and style that you can't be helped for thinking that you are reading a Jane Austen book... In characters, plot and style, Willoughby's Return is so beautifully written, that there is barely a seam between Sense and Sensibilty and Willoughby's Return.

Jane Austen Today
Like Jane Austen, Jane Odiwe is spare in her descriptions of the characters, but unlike Jane A., she is free with her depiction of an age long gone, of market days and vegetable stalls and flowers in a meadow. An artist as well as a writer, Jane O.'s details of scenery and village life are vivid...Jane O's plot has its twists and turns, the suspense coming from the characters' actions, which comes to a satisfying conclusion only after several misunderstandings are cleared up...Readers who love Jane Austen sequels will find this charming book a more than satisfying read. I give it three out of three Regency fans.

Books Like Breathing
Odiwe's portrayal of all of the characters was perfect...I think this may be put on my favorite Jane Austen sequels list...Willoughby's Return is definitely worth a read if you love Jane Austen sequels but are looking for something new. Grade:A+

Savvy, Verse and Wit
Readers that enjoy Jane Austen's books and the recent spin-offs will enjoy Willoughby's Return - a fast-paced, regency novel with a modern flair.

My Victorian Books
In this new sequel to Sense and Sensibility, Ms. Odiwe has captured Jane Austen's style with ease and eloquence, making this book a rare reading delight.

Smexy Books
Willoughby's Return is a delightful tale that swept me away for the time I was reading. For those who are looking to return to the Austen world with a very sweet story, I definitely recommend this book.

'Odiwe emulates Austen's famous wit, and manages to give Lydia a happily-ever-after ending worthy of any Regency romance heroine' - Booklist

'Lydia lives! Elizabeth Bennet's naughty little sister takes centre stage in a breathtaking Regency romp all of her own, told with authoritative period elegance by Jane Odiwe's eleoquent pen.'
Diana Birchall - author of Mrs Darcy's Dilemma and Mrs Elton in America

The flirtatious Lydia Bennet, the youngest sister in Pride and Prejudice, is the heroine of this delightful Jane Austen sequel....The narrative is interspersed with Lydia's diary entries, which are hilarious.
Historical Novel Society

The arrival of a whole regiment of militia is enough to set any young girl's heart racing, but for Miss Lydia Bennet, the soldiers are the embodiment of all her dreams. She is determined to be an officer's wife and married before any of her sisters!

Lydia's dream of following the regiment to the fashionable resort of Brighton comes true; she is soon the darling of all the officers and tempted not only by a handsome royal dragoon, but drawn to the irresistible charms of one already well known to her. But the road to matrimony is fraught with difficulties and even when she is convinced that she has met the man of her dreams, she quickly discovers that her hero is not the man she believes him to be. Before long his reputation has her running back to Hertfordshire to be reunited with Bennets, Bingleys and Darcys, meeting once again for a grand ball at Netherfield Park. Will Lydia manage to resolve her problems to find happiness or will the shocking truth about her husband cause the greatest scandal of all?
From Hertfordshire to Brighton, Newcastle and Bath, we follow Lydia's adventures to a Regency world beyond Pride and Prejudice.

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